Travel Nurse Meleah

Just a Lively Gen Z Nurse Talking All Things Travel Nursing

How To Wind Down After a Stressful Shift

As nurses, we all know what it feels like after a stressful shift; we are so exhausted we struggle to wind down after we get home. It can feel like we gave it our all but something still wasn’t quite enough at the end of the day. Whether or not that’s even true, it can feel tiring both physically and mentally.

Over the years, and especially in recent months being in therapy, I’ve learned several ways in which I love to wind down after a stressful shift.

While being able to destress is wonderful for overall health, it’s also so important if you need you have another shift scheduled for the next day.

Here are 12 tips to wind down after that stressful shift.

  1. Deep Breathing Reset + Self Reflection: Begin your post-shift routine with deep breathing exercises. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take slow, deliberate breaths. Use this time for self-reflection, acknowledging the challenges you faced during your shift and recognizing your accomplishments. This practice can help you transition from work mode to a more relaxed state.
  2. Use Your Commute: If you have a commute, make the most of it. Use this time to decompress by listening to calming music, an audiobook, or a podcast. Avoid discussing work-related matters during your commute to mentally distance yourself from the stressors of the day.
  3. Take a Shower: A warm shower can be incredibly soothing and is an effective way to wash away the physical and emotional residue of a challenging shift. Consider using relaxing scents like lavender or eucalyptus to enhance the calming effect.
  4. Listen to Music: Create a playlist of your favorite calming tunes and let the music transport you to a more serene state. Music has the power to influence mood and can be a powerful tool for stress relief.
  5. Journal: Venting your thoughts and feelings on paper can be a therapeutic way to process the events of your shift. Write about your experiences, challenges, and emotions. This can provide a sense of closure and help you leave work-related stress behind.
  6. Avoid Scrolling: Resist the temptation to mindlessly scroll through social media. Instead, opt for activities that engage your mind in a positive way, such as reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a hobby.
  7. Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and create a conducive sleep environment. Avoid caffeine and electronic devices before bedtime to ensure a restful night’s sleep.
  8. Refuel and Rehydrate: Nourish your body with a balanced meal and stay hydrated. Proper nutrition is crucial for replenishing energy levels and supporting overall well-being.
  9. Spend Time With Loved Ones: Connect with friends, family, or pets. Socializing with loved ones can provide emotional support and help shift your focus away from work-related stressors.
  10. Light a Candle: Create a calming atmosphere by lighting a scented candle. Choose fragrances like chamomile or vanilla to enhance relaxation.
  11. Plan Something to Look Forward To: Give yourself something positive to anticipate. Whether it’s a small weekend getaway, a special meal, or a leisurely activity, having something to look forward to can boost your mood.
  12. Schedule a Therapy Appointment: If stress and emotional challenges persist, consider scheduling a therapy appointment. Speaking to a mental health professional can provide valuable support and coping strategies.

Bonus Tip

As a bonus tip, don’t forget to take your vacation days! Working three shifts a week as a nurse is harder than it sounds; treat yourself to a getaway every once in awhile!

Personally, I love to travel. Check out my recent post about how you can spend a few off days in Bermuda!

Four Days In Bermuda

In Conclusion…

As a nurse, prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Incorporating these relaxation techniques into your post-shift routine can help you unwind, recharge, and face each new day with renewed energy and resilience. Remember, taking care of yourself is an integral part of providing quality care to others.

If you’d like some more ideas on ways to unwind after a stressful shift, check out this article from AMN Healthcare 🙂

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